Spectrometer SL40-2 Series is a small-size two-channel spectrum analyzer. The SL40-2 Specrtometer comprises two spectrographs (channels) which are arranged in one common housing, and an embedded linear detector. Each of the spectrographs is designed around the original optical schematic (configuration) with aspheric and achromatic objective lenses. The spectrographs offer a focal length of 40 mm and F/4,9. Diffraction gratings with different numbers of lines can be used in any of the two channels of the Spectrometer to allow adjustment both of the spectral range to be detected and the obtained spectral resolution.
The focal plane with spectra produced by each spectrograph coincides with the plane of photosensitive elements of the embedded linear detector. The length of the focal plane of each spectrograph is half the detector (array) length. The linear detector ensures simultaneous detection of spectra from both the spectrographs. One two-channel optical fiber (one input, two outputs), two single-channel optical fibers or condensers can be used for delivery of light to the SL40-2 Specrtometer. With use of a two-channel optical fiber the light beam is divided into two equivalent parts (channels) to enter the input port of each spectrograph. The light of the same light source is detected in the two channels of the Spectrometer. The use of two single-channel optical fibers allows the light from two different light sources to be simultaneously delivered to the Spectrometer and be detected. The SL40-2 is a compact, small-size, reliable and easy to operate spectrum analyzer. To run the SL40-2 Specrtometer, you just need to couple it to the USB-port of a PC and start Control Program “PSI-Line”. “PSI-Line” Software is a powerful tool to carry out different type-analyses of the obtained spectra. Power supply to the SL40-2 Specrtometer is provided through the USB port of a PC.
Aspheric collimating mirrors
Wide wavelength range from the UV to near IR
High resolution with a small-size spectral device
No manipulation with optics to change to another wavelength range
Single-module unit with a built-in detector
Compact design
Laser wavelength control
Spectral analysis of different radiation sources
SYSTEM Design: F/number: Focal length: Mirror: Objective: Focal plane: Grating size: Entrance slit:
Two spectrographs in one housing 4,9 40 mm Aspherical Achromatic 12x0,2 mm or 12x2,5 mm 12x10 mm 0,025x0,2 mm or 0,025x2,5 mm
WAVELENGTH Grating, l/mm: Blazing wavelength, nm: Reciprocal dispersion (average), nm/mm: Wavelength resolution, nm: Detectable region (see Fig.1 below), nm: Wavelength range where grating efficiency is more than 40% (see Fig.1 below), nm:
400 700 49,3 <2,5 600
600 350 34,8 <1,5 400
600 450 33,5 <1,5 400
600 650 32,9 <1,5 400
1200 280 17,7 <0,8 200
1800 270 11,8 <0,5 140
Each of the specified gratings or other grating can be installed in any of two Spectrographs (channels)
DETECTION SYSTEM Linear sensor: Number of pixels: Width of pixels, µm: Height of pixels, mm: Spectral response, nm: Min. exposure time, ms: Max. exposure time at 20°C, s: Min. time between scans, µs Dynamic range for 1 scan: Analog to digital converter: Synchronization: Computer interface:
S8378-1024Q 1024 25 0,5 200-1060 2,1 5,0 1,0 3600:1 14 bit, 16384 counts internal, external USB
TCD 1205D 2048 14 0,2 190-1100 4,1 4,0 1,0 750:1 12 bit, 4096 counts internal, external USB
TCD 1304AP 3648 8 0,2 190-1100 7,4 0,5 1,0 1100:1 12 bit, 4096 counts internal, external USB
FIBER OPTICAL CABLE Optical input: Configuration:
Material: Length:
direct via a condenser or fiber optical cable two channels (one common input, two outputs) or one channel (2 pcs: one input, one output) UV silica; 0,4 mm dia. 0,5 m; 1 m; 2 m (other lengths available)
OVERALL SIZE: 117 x 80 x 40 mm
SOFTWARE “PSI-Line” (real time 32 bit, Win’9x/2000/XP):
Spectrometer channels mode: One / Two Background measurement Intensity calibration WL calibration Scan modes: Single spectrum / Multi spectra Cyclic (scan) mode: NoneStop / Counter Integration in WL range
Accumulation: Summing / Averaging Process of peaks: Find / Measure / Correlation / Report Smooth spectrum Photometer mode: Transmission / Absorption Mathematical processor Lambda-meter Data compatibility with MS Office EXCEL