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Photo-MOS Relay Output Board for ISA
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Photo-MOS Relay Output Board for ISA

This product is PC/AT which performs a photograph muslin relay contact point output, and an interface board for the compatible machines. This board can be used being able to mount in the expansion slot or I/O extension unit of the main part of a personal computer, and can be outputted a maximum of 32 points on this one board.

Electric Certification Compliancy :


Environment Compliancy :


Function :
The semiconductor relay contact point output of a maximum of 32 points can be performed on one board. It can respond to a common independently different external power supply because of the common composition of an eight-point unit.
Output rating is set as maximum AC/DC 100V, 250mA, and the a maximum of 1 eight-point sum total (1 common hit) A per point.
Since the nondirectional relay of AC/DC combination is used, it can be used like a machine contact point relay. It is no chattering like a machine contact point relay and is silent because of a semiconductor point of contact.
A monitor can do the output state of a relay by reading an input port.
It can be semipermanently used because of a semiconductor relay.
The PCI bus (personal computer) and the output interface are electrically isolated for the semiconductor point of contact.
Digital I/O :
Bus : ISA;
Function : Output;
Input : -;
Output : 32;
Bidirection : -;
Working voltage : Output: --100VAC / VDC;

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Designed: Hien Dai Hoa Jsc

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